4 MARCH 10, 1947 THE SAGINAW NEWS PAGE THIRTEEN Personals PERMACEDAR dox bedding. repels fleas, hills odor, makes roat glossy. at Tater. Dial 2-1943. dick We deliver.
Large bar 50c. Genesee PURE WATER -Delivered. 1.000 EAT. tanks. Day or night service.
$4.25. Dial 2-7334, Rohert Sargent. SWEDISH MASSAGE Riven in your home it desired. Reasonable rates. Margaret Dial 8-6683.
WATER Wells or Cisterns Filled. CLEAN TANKS AND HOSE "Originator of the Water No Sunday Delivery, JOHN H. BECKERT MACKINAW DIAL 2-7761 WE SPECIALIZE in informal wedding pictures; home, church. studio. Intyre's.
122 N. Hamilton. 2-2646. VACANCIES- Two for elderly ladies, on ground floor. Saginaw Valley Rest Home.
733 So. Washington. 3-3427. E. A.
Reyer, manager. Or Dial 8339. 928 I S. Jefferson. ASSISTANCE with tax, 1-4 m.
FOR CLEANING rugs and upholstery use Watkin's concentrated. all-purpose liquid cleaner. Order now for spring house cleaning. Phone your Watkin' Dealer today. 2-7464 or 1123 So.
Washington. FOR THE relief and discomforts of dry couch. try Formula C. Only 80c. Sold only by Richter Drug 1929 E.
Genesee. Phone 2-2451. AIN'T IT GRAND Mabel? Just one mora week and I'll be a happy bride. That new diamond Joe gave me is Insured with Barney Duff, 2-8135. Gert.
ANY GIRL or woman in trouble, needing a friendly advisor write Mrs. Robert McMahon, The DID YOU KNOW A that you can obSalvation Army, 315 Tuscola. 8484, tain an individual Singer form, molded to your figure, Saginaw at your Singer Sewing Center, 120 N. Washington. WINTER fashions demand slim figures! Swedish massage, mineral baths, colon irrigations.
special diets. Doris C. Passow, registered nurse. No. 25-24 Jarvis- Yawkey Court.
7819 Bus, Train Transportation 7b AIR, steamship, railroad. tour tickats. Hotel reservations. Mich. Travel Agency, 10 Jarvis- Yawkey, 3-4060.
CLUBS, sororities, organizations! We just what you want for conventions, business or pleasure trips. New bus. go anywhere, Reasonable rates. Dial 2-0134 or 6271. "Lost, Found, Strayed 10 BIRD DOG, large, reddish brown.
Lost strayed sunday. White breast, tips of front toes white. Large prominent head. 6 years old, named Joe. Phone 3911 Freeland.
Reward. COCKER SPANIEL, black with white tip on nose, under chin, lost Sunday. Phone 2-8014, Reward. PURSE, brown corde lost Friday in Home Dairy, Finder keep money, return bag and pen. Phone 6731.
APRINGER SPANIEL. liver, white male; 6 years. strayed from 3734 Sheridan, 7-3916. Reward Business Services Offered 18 ASHES and trash picked 11p. Also weekly pickups.
You pay monthly! Basements cleaned. 7-4762. BASEMENT EXCAVATIONS Sewer and Water Trenches P. J. MALLOY 1751 Brockway Dial 6534 BLINDS, VENETIAN Custommade, Blind cleaning, refinishing.
Shade cleaning, repairing. Wight, 1827 Barnard. Dial 8444, CESSPOOLS, SEPTIC TANKS AND VAULTS 3 vacuum cleaned. Call collect Saginaw 2-0850 CHIMNEYS repaired and rebuilt. Heated chimneys reflashed.
and treated materials for winter work. For free estimates call 'Tony Bugal. 3-3307. EAVESTROUGHS hanging and repairing. Joe Novak.
Dial 3-0806. EAVESTROUGHING, built-up roofing And repairing. Sheetmetal. Vallette Roofing Sheetmetal, 2006 Walnut. 2-4478.
EAVETROUGH, half round, and square. Erect before spring rains. Estimates free. Call us. J.
C. Bauer 448 No. Fourth. 2-1731. ELECTRIC SEWER clearing ma- chines.
Clears plugged sewers, drain tile, waste lines. Work guaranteed. Reasonable. Brenake Plumbing Heating, 2725 S. Washington.
3-5171 ELECTRIC SEWER cleaning. Sinks, wAste lines cleared. Work guaranteed. Tom Schultz, 01513 Alger. 6603.
ELECTRIC SEWER cleaning. Sinks, waste linen cleared. Work guaranteed. Tom Schultz, 1513 Alger. HAHN Son, building moving.
2-6317 LAWNMOWER hospital. Hand and power RAW filing, welding, lathe work. Pickup, deliver. 2211 E. Genesce.
2-0501. MAINTENANCE. work wanted, one buildings, resort hotel, or property. Free to travel, have own car, tools. Phone 3-5227.
OIL HEATERS repaired, cleaned, adjusted. Prompt and reasonable service. All work guaranteed. 7-4000. PIANO TUNING and repairing.
Many years of factory experience. 0. J. Brasseur, 1224 Brown, 2-2576. TILE WELLS, gravel packed.
Immediato service. Terms. Ray Richards. Phone 3-0533. WATER WELLS.
glazed tile. Terms. Drilled well, any years of drilling in Saginaw R. T. Bell Song.
Phone 7-4938. WATER WELLS drilled or bored. Immediate service. Up to 3 years to pay. Let our years of experience safeguard your health and investment in your property, Electric water systems installed and serviced.
Chas. G. Shetler Co. 2442 Benjamin. 3-3455 CLEAN UP! -Your winter accumulations: vans, ashes, worthless articles.
cleanly removed, low cost, time. General trucking. 4-1462. Exterminating-Mothproof 18b ANTS. bedbugs, roaches.
moths our specialty. Work guaranteed. Licensed and bonded exterminators. Saginaw's oldest exterminator. Valley City exterminators.
1639 Ames. 3-5871. ANTS. bedbugs, roaches, moths, rats, mice and all vermin. "Let modern science do the If you have -we'll get 'em.
United Exterminators, 231 Dial 3-1019. Building and Contracting 19 BASEMENT EXCAVATIONS with gas shovel by yard. Muehlenbeck Excavating. 1253 S. Water.
2-7129. BASEMENT EXCAVATING and sewer work done with gas shovel. Rulldozing. Rhode Rros. Regan.
Phone 3-0294. BRICK WORK. all kinds, residential. industrial. Boiler, fire brick.
Remodeling. etc. Chimneys. J. W'm.
Cox. Dial 3-1978. BUILDING Contracting. new or remodeling. Large or small jobs.
Get those amall jobs done before spring rush. Free estimates. 2-2950. BUILDING HOMES, remodeling and additions. We can furnish window frames, sash, door frames.
3-8301. CARPENTER work of all kinds. Homes and garages, cement blocks. Phone 8732. CARPENTER specializing in small jobs.
Remodeling and repairing. Telephone 7-3914. Irwin Brasseur. CEMENT WORK, tile floors, terrazzo and composition. Laid over new and old floors.
Michigan Mosaic Tile 308 So. Michigan. 3-1522. CHIMNEYS built and repaired. For free estimates telephone 7-1639 or 7-1476 day or evenings.
CHIMNEYS repaired and rebuilt. All kinds of mason work. Call any time. Shelton. 4-1733.
GARAGES and small type. garage homes built to your own specifications. Ample financial assistance available, Immediate delivery. Concrete floors and driveways. House raising and Remodeling.
roofing and brick aiding. No down payment. 3 years to pay. General Rooting Construction 1522 Hess. Dial 3-2051.
HOME BUILDING. basements, re modeling. kitchen, cupboards. Jewett S. 11th, 2-0649.
2-5543. HOUSE moving, raising and repostIng. Building, masonry and cement work. Terrian Construction, 3-5111. MODERN BUILDERS- New homes, commercial and rebuilding.
Roofing. siding. No job too small. A-1 references. Phone 3-5693 or 3-5794.
WE ARE EQUIPPED to do mason work. building and all kinds of painting. 25 years experience. Har. ris Alburg.
Dial 3-9756 or SAGINAW'S best known builder-contractor. Arthur Vollmer Construetion 222 N. Bates, Phone 2-5658 MODERN kitchen cabinets, wardrobes; milled, installed. Fine work. Let a atyle your kitchen.
3-9820. GENERAL mason work. Block or stone work. D. W.
Putnam, 129 So. Twenty- First. 3-6284. AVOID RUSH Building homes, garages. arches.
remodeling, addition windows, door frames. kitchen -cabinets and mill work. Appliance Servicing APPLIANCE SERVICE ELECTRIC RANGES REFRIGERATORS Electric ranges rewired, new burnera installed. Bendix Home Laundry our specialty. HAGER ROBBINS Years Experience" 30: HANCOCK DIAL APPLIANCES repaired.
We make the hard to Ert parts for All makes of General Home Appliance, 1924 Stark. Phone 2-5819. BOIVIN Refrigeration. Domestic. commercial.
freezer lockers. Washer renaira, all makes. Phone 3-6179. JOHNSON MAYTAG CO, 2114 80. Washington WE REPAIR All Makrs of Washers and Ironrite Ironera PHONE 3-4253 MOTOR armature winding.
Refrigerator. washer repair, Prompt service. Meyer Electric. 518 Gratiot. 3-1391.
VACUUM CLEANERS SEWING MACHINES Complete Line of Parts 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE. PICK UP AND DELIVER SHEPPARD'S 611 So. Washington Dial 2-1249 WASHERS REPAIRED Any make. Checked and olled in your home, only $2. Place your order For a New Maytag Now! MAYTAG HOME APPLIANCE CO.
901 01 Lapeer Dial 3-6361 WASHER SERVICE YOU CAN COUNT ON! COURT CENTER'S ORIGINAL AND OLDEST WASHER REPAIR SERVICE Factory Authorized. Factory parts installed by factory trained mechanics. Free Pickup and Delivery. ORDER YOUR NEW MAYTAG NOW! TOM RYAN'S MAYTAG CO. 1205 Court Dial 6392 WASHING WORRIES VANISH When You DIAL 8183 1 SEARS GUARANTEED Washing Machine Repair Service is ready to serve you immediately.
Expert mechanics install genuine parts in your machine to give it years of added service. Don't wait another moment. Call us now! Wringer Rolls TO FIT ALL MAKES OF WASHERS SEARS Federal at Genesee COMPLETE appliance repair service. Refrigerators, radios, washers. O.
J. Wray, 3120 Fairview. Dial 3-2522. SAGINAW'S OLDEST MAYTAG STORE 0-F-F-E-R-S YOU -THE BENEFITof Their Many Years EXPERIENCE SERVICING THE FINEST WASHER PRODUCED. DIAL 2-8833 Our Truck Will Respond As Quickly Possible.
Parts for All Makes. Prompt, Friendly Service. DIAL 8183 ated. 2314 Eddy. Phone 2-4949.
Or Visit SEARS Federal at Genesee. HAVE your refrigerator refinished. checked And cleaned before the spring Excellent service. Call Tony Newas, 2-8490, Dressmaking-Fur Work 21 ALTERATIONS. remodeling on women's and children's clothing.
Mrs. Lee Brown. 126 No. Fourth. 3-5082.
DRESSMAKING and alterations. Prompt and efficient service, Mrs. Rick. 831 So. Twelfth.
3-7458. DRESSMAKING and alterations done. Quick service. Veteran's Housing Bullding 711. Apartment SEWING and alterations.
reasonable prices. Miss Esther Witting, 1922 Marquette. Dial 3-5456. JAY CER SHOP for quick. expert alterations, sewing.
Jessie M. Cain, 316 Rearinger Bldg. Dial 3-8826. Heating, Plumbing 22 AUTOMATIC water heaters. bath tubs.
water closets, wash A. Kucawara, plumber. Dial 6613. FURNACES IMMEDIATE INSTALLATION our complete stock! FREE ESTIMATES 36 MONTHS TO PAY We service all makes of furnaces. ROUND OAK SALES SERVICE 1113 E.
Geneses Dial 3-6351 LENNOX FURNACES NOW AVAILABLE Call us for estimates. We service all makes of furnaces. Have your furnace checked now. Phone 3-8967. B.
Prompt service on repair work. C. H. Ding. man Co.
Telephone 2-2974. SMOKE PIPE and fittings ct all kinds, Julius P. Mallack, Incorpor- Roofing, Siding, Insulating 22a Automatic water era and water sump pumpa. ft. -in bath tubs, $78, $99, complete trim.
lavatortes, $25 up, complete trim. Closets $32 up complete. 24x21 Inch one compartment caat iron Acid reaisting ledge mink, complete trim, $32 and $36. 32x21 inch two compartment cast iron and resisting ledge complete trim, $16 And $50. Electric newer clearing MA chines.
clear plussed newera and drain tile, waste lines. Work teed. Reasonable. Brenske Plumbing Heating. 2725 So, Washington Ave.
3-5171. WATER purifiers, antteners, plumbing and heating installations. Prompt service repair orders. Bicelow 1039 Howard. 2-2714.
1917 MODEL Kalamazoo Super Steel And Super Power Cast Iron Furnaces available for immediate delisery. H. F. Middlebrook, authorized dealer. KALAMAZOO STOVE FURNACE SALES 319 FEDERAL PHONE 2-9022 Roofing, Siding, Insulating 228 AMBLER brick siding.
shingling and insulation. G. W'. Ederer Roofing Phone 2-4948. AMBLER asbestos brick-siding.
roofing. Terms. Estimates. Reliable Siding Roofing Co. INSULATION estimates made free of charge.
Also roofing. siding and built- roofs. Michigan Roofing, Siding, Insulating 623 E. Genesee. Dial 2-5801.
INSULATE with Celotex Rock (Vool. Cut on your fuel bill. All work expertly done by scientific "blown-in" method. General home repair, roofing, siding. Also room additions.
Nothing down. 3 years to NEAT ROOFING CO 1309 LAPEER DIAL 5722 METAL weatherstripping stop drafts, soot and rain coming through windows and floors. Valley Metal Weatherstrip Co. Dial 2-2273. METAL weatherstripping.
Steel wall tile, attic insulation. Roofing and siding. Terms. Home Owners Improvement Co. Dial 2-4116.
ROOFING SIDING INSULATING PREFABRICATED GARAGES AND HOUSES. Satisfied Customers Our Guarantee. MID-STATE ROOFING INSULATING CO. 223 Hoyt Ave. Dial 2-4932 or 7050 ALL CLASSES of sheetmetal work and built-up roofing.
Bruno Martin 814 Janes Ave. Dial 3-2212. NEW ROOFS applied. Repairing. All types.
Wolverine Roofing, 1840 Sheridan. Dial 2-9071. FUEL SHORTAGE! It isn't too much worry for those who had Johna-Manville insulation installed. It saves up to 1-3 in fuel bills. Warmer in winter, cooler in gummer.
Investigate today. Call 3-6831, Hinken Home Insulation Co. Mattress Renovating 23 COTTON or innerspring mattresses repaired. Call us for prices. Saginaw Mattress 320 Perry St.
2-8932. SAVE YOUR innerspring from further wear. Repair promptly. Kleen Mattress 502 Potter. 3-1757.
Laundering 24 CURTAINS, expertly laundered. Ruffled, $1.25 up; straight. 60c. Pickup, deliver. Mrs.
Marcella. 2-2196. CURTAINS laundered, straight and ruffled. Expert work and prompt service. Telephone 2-4956.
CURTAINS All tyres of curtains expertly laundered the modern pinless way. Grace's Curtain Laundry, 1816 Perkins. 3-2802. DIXIE Curtain Laundry, Modern pinless method. All types of curtains.
444 So. Eleventh. 3-4563. MEN'S SHIRTS ONLY Hand finiahed, 25c each. Done in my home.
Pickup and delivery. 3-5406. SNOW -WHITE Laundry means snow white. Guaranteed, quick, satisfactory service. Lapeer.
STERILIZED diaper service. Pickup, delivery twice weekly. Dial 0. ask for 10249. The Baby Laundry.
WASHINGS, ironings, curtains done in my home, Furniture, rugS. carpets cleaned. Guaranteed. 2-7901. WILL DO ironings in my home.
Quick and reasonable service. Phone 8415. Moving, Trucking, Storage 25 ALLIED VAN LINES Agents, permitted to move any place in the United States. Storage, low insurance rates. SHIPPING MILNE BROS.
Office 212 N. Fifth 2-8515 ASHES and rubbish hauled. Also logs and lumber hauled by the thousand. Dial 2-5460. BUNYAN MOVERS Local Coast to Coast- Nationwide.
Insured vans, 'fire resisting warehouse, packing, crating. Minimum rates. 1100 So. Water St. 3-9955.
Agents NORTII AMERICAN VAN LINES, INC. CITY and long distance moving. Furniture warehouse. New low rates. Agents Greyvan Lines, Henne Moving 722 Lapeer.
Dial 2-1224. CITY and suburban moving. Large padded van. $4.50 per hour. 10 Sears of satisfied service.
Speedway Transfer, Telrphone 2-7464. CITY moving. Large van, modern equipment. men, $4.50 per hour. Single pieces special rates.
We crate, pack. ship. Earl Schell. 3-4090. FURNITURE MOVING--Closed 2 men.
Appliances, packages delivered. Bruce's Cartage. 3-5931. STEVENS VANLINERS "ON THE DRIVE SINCE Not AGENCYAn Actual CARRIEROur Own Vans and Men STEVENS have- the LOWEST INTERSTATE rates in Saginaw filed with I.C.C. STEVENS BROS.
121 So. Niagara Dial 2-6176 TRAILERS to rent, 50c up. Haul or move anything. 510 No. Washington.
Trailer Rental Service Co. YOU NAME IT! IN Haul It! Anything, anywhere, anytime, Kerns. Telephone 3-9272. AQUELLA experienced Painting, 26 Will make your basement waterproof and beautiful. Aquella Waterproofing Co.
BASEMENTS PAINTED- Brush and spray method. Prompt service. J. K. Painters, 1211 Federal.
3-4962. BRUSH or spray painting, interior, exterior. Churches a specialty. Wallpaper removed; walls washed by machine, Easy "terms; NO money down. Glen W.
Hertz, 3-8828. BRUSH or spray painting, interior and exterior: wall washing. Work guaranteed. Free estimates. 3-7271.
COURTESY PAINTERS Interiorexterior. Immediate service. Free estimates. Vern Cronk. 7-2363.
CLEANING- Wall washing. All kinds painting. Painting over wailpaper our specialty. Very reasonable. $957.
CLEANING Wallpaper cleaning, wall washing. For complete satisfaction rely on professional service. Over 40 years experience. References in any locality. Crew available to quArantee prompt service.
3-8193. anytime. DECORATING For Your Summer Decorating Now-2-2906. Valley Building Decorating Co. FLOOR LAYING, sanding and finishing.
Reasonable rates. Bruce Dial 2-8037. INTERIOR painting and paper hangAlso paper cleaned. Expertenced. Free estimates.
Phone 3-4949 INTERIOR, exterior painting and decorating. Expert workmanship. Free estimates. Call 3-9311 evenings. LILES WESTWOOD co.
Painting and Decorating Contractors DIAL 7-2115 OR 3-1769 PAINTING and paper hanging. Cleaning. Work guaranteed. Free estimates. Phone 3-5594.
PAINTING and decorating, interior and exterior. Also steam cleaning and washing. Dial 3-8401. PAINTING over paper. plaster, enameling.
varnishing. Outside painting. Work suaranteed, 2-6109. Painting, Decorating 26 PAINTING l'aper hanging: AIFO paper cleaning And wAllA washed. References.
Telephone 7-2088. PAPER HANGING. painting our andcialty! No job too big or too amall, Jacob Fahrenbruch. Phone 7-1010, PAPER HANGING and painting. Prompt reliable service.
Free catimates. Phone 7-1017 or 2-5919. PLASTERING and cement block New and repair work. Phone 3-7155. PLASTERING Modernize your home with arches, coves and new ceilings.
Plastering repairs. Metal lath forcement. Guaranteed. Lance. 6232.
PLASTERING New. and repair work. Reasonable rates. Phone 2-1216. PLASTERING Use colored plaster and move into your new home er.
Fred J. Dangel, Veteran. PLASTERING And stucco work. Best of references. Work guaranteed.
For estimates call 2-8763. Wm. Kneebone PAINTING, paper hanging. all kinds Paper steamed off. 1947 booka shown without obligation.
Work done perRonally. Reasonable prices. 6549. WALLPAPER removed by steam. Prompt, reliable.
Reasonable rates. Phone 2-6045. WALLPAPER expertly cleaned. Free estimates. References exchanged, Phone 3-2432.
WALL WASHING and woodwork washing our specialty. Also general cleaning. References, Veteran. 3-5712 MODERN decorators. Painting of all types.
Brush, spray. Walls washed. Waterproofing. Buildings. basements.
Reasonable. workers. 2-8002 HEY! WALLPAPER galore! Over 200 patterns, most beautiful and latest colors to choose from our catalog. Can decorate your home for about the regular price if you buy our wallpaper. Call 2-6312 and ask for Pete.
MODERNISTIC painting, interior and exterior, by insured men! Larkin Painting Co. Phone 2-0412. Printing, Lettering. Signs 27 WEDDING INVITATIONS General printing 1645 So. Weadock.
Phone 3-1461. Professional Service 28 SECRETARIAL SERVICE Mimeographing, duplirating and telephone answering service. 241 GOFF BLDG. PHONE 3-8941. Upholstering.
Furniture Repair 29 FURNITURE repairing. refinishing. Quality workmanship. Springs retied. Pickup.
deliver. 8505. FURNITURE upholstered. new units. Suites, Occasional chair $7, $8.50.
Free pick-up, delivery. Heft's, 2403 F. Genesee at Rust. 3-5561. UPHOLSTERING, refinishing and repairing.
Fine line: of new samples. We guarantee satisfaction. Free estimates. Also rebuilt living room suites. A.
C. Stanton Son, 125 So. Hamilton. 2-2043. REUPHOLSTER with sensationally new fabrics.
At undreamed of low prices. 10 days service. Free nome estimates. Largest exclusive upholsterers in midwest. Michigan Upholstering 810 Federal.
Dial 3-3052. BEAUTIFUL slip covers and drapes. Custom made. 10 day service. Budget terms.
Michigan Upholstering 3-3062. WE SPECIALIZE in upholstering. repairing. Guaranteed. Dixon 2990 Beulah, off Hess.
2-2384. WILL TAKE upholstering in my own home. Very reasonable. For further information Phone 2-9562. Rug-Furniture Cleaning 29a CARPETS and furniture cleaned like new--the Magic Way.
New life and beauty for your home. Insured work, no charge. Complete line of repairs. Free pickup, delivery. Magic Carpet Cleaners, 911 Lapeer.
3-5311. EVOY RUG Furniture Cleaners. We do bring the charm and color back to your rugs and furniture. Carpets cleaned on your floor. Repairing of rugs and carpets.
2426. Brockway. Phone 7997. Cleaning, Tailoring 30 AMERICAN Garment Cleaners, 835 F. Genesee.
-Dry cleaning, pressing. repairing. Pick up, deliver. Prompt service. Satisfaction assured.
3-0060 WEST SIDERS! New Dry Cleaning Service for You SMITH BROTHERS 1016 Gratiot at Brockway 3-5835 Help Wanted Female 32 ALTERATION WOMEN for men's tailor shop. Steady work, good pay. Shop experience not nenessary. Apply Heavenrich's, 2nd Floor. BEAUTY OPERATOR.
experienced with following preferred. Jean's Reauty Shop. Dial 3-1439. ROOKKEEPER Must be able to take shorthand and do typing. Permanent position.
good salary, pleasant working conditions, Apply to Mr. F. Fox. Fox Goes, 1630 So. Jefferson CASHIER, night work.
Apply after 5 p. m. LaSalle Cafe, 40. Washington. COOK WANTED Thirty -five Married to or single.
forty-five Good years wages. of Free meals. Uniforms furnisned. Apply F. W.
Woolworth 304 E. Genesee, Telephone 2-1153. ELEVATOR OPERATOR. For People's Building Loan Bldg. Steady work.
See Mr. Pointer. mornings, Room 216, People's Building Loan Bldg. FEMALE DOMESTIC Experienced cook and general. stay.
School aged children. Private room, bath. $25 per week. Write Mrs. John P.
Wood, 1131 Lyonhurst, Birmingham, Michigan. GIRL for general housework. No Sundays, Stay nights. Good wages. Phone 2-3557.
GIRL, experienced. colored. very neat. 9 until 6. Must like children.
be Hood cook. Sundays off. Dial 2-8471. GIRLS wanted to work in sandwich shop. Apply Tasty Sandwich Shop, 212 So.
Washington. GIRL WANTED For general office work. Typing essential; pleasant working conditions with chance for advancement. Apply Grant Grocer Co. 1900 No.
Michigan Avenue. GIRLS--Experienced or those willing to learn for various departments. Apply Schoen's Dry Cleaners, 700 Lapeer Avenue. GIRL CLERK hour week. a Apply in person.
Muir's Must be 21. Good starting pay. 40 Drug Store, 518 E. Genesee Ave. GIRT.
wanted to care for 8-year-old child after school. 620 No. Bond. GIRL for genetral office work. Typing necessary.
DO stenography. 40 hour week. Apply Credit Bureau of Saginaw, Board of Commerce Bldg. HOUSEKEEPER, under 40. Cooking.
serving, laundry, cleaning for two adults. Must be neat, capable. taking full charge. Stay nights. Private room.
Sundays off. Good References. Phone 8536 Afternoons. IRONERS wanted. Apply Robertson's Laundry.
LADY to work part time in office of Farm Crest Bakeries. Phone 2-9141 from 8 to 10 a. m. LADIES to take names for city directory. Apply Mrs.
Drake, 7 Tower Building. SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS Experienced sewing machine operators Apply in person to the Stylecraft Foundation, 1043 E. Genesee. SHORT ORDER chef, night work. Apply after 5 p.
m. La Salle Cate, 114 So. Washington. SHORT ORDER COOK Hours 6 p. m.
to 2 a. m. Experience not necessary if willing to learn. Lichteig's, 1102 No. Bond.
TYPIST Experienced typist wanted. Must be high school graduate. Good opportunity for right party. Write News Box T-755. WAITRESS wanted.
Apply in person to Pure Food Cafe, 601 Lapeer street. WAITRESSES Four girls wanted as waitresses. Also one experienced girl grill work. APPly Recreation Center, 1201 Thompson. WAITRESS wanted.
night work. Apply after 5 p. m. LaSalle Cafe, 114 So. Washington.
WAITRESSES. 3 experienced. wanted. Apply Pure Food Cafe, 601 Lapeer Street. WOMAN wanted 3 half days a week for laundry and.
general cleaning. Modern home. References required. Write stating wages expected News Box A-757. Help Wanted--Female 32 WOMEN wanted.
Aides to NITROS. P'ermanent positions. Good antary plum meals. Pleasant surroundings. experience Call 2-7101 for interview, weekdays only.
WOMAN for general housework. washing. troning and cooking. Stay or KO home nighta, Went Side tion. Must he under 45, white, have references.
Good wages. Write News Rox 1-741. RELIEF wanted in local 1 News tution. Steady, en employment. Write MIDDLE AGED woman, Live Ina No children.
Modern home. 1114 So. Harrison. Dial 3-6740. ELDERLY woman.
between 40-50 3 of REP. to care for children, more for home than for wages. Phone 2-2844. EXPERIENCED cook. also general washing.
Good salary White. Dial 2-1626. APPLICATIONS taken for waitresses, chef, dishwashers. Full. part time.
Write Postoffice Box 993. COMPETENT maid wanted for general housework. Must be able to rook. Only 2 in family. No children.
References required. Write News Box M-76S. CAPABLE cleaning woman. Steady employment. 5 to 9 p.
nt. White Palace Kitchen, 623 E. Genesee. EXPERIENCED GIRL For general office work and typing. Write News, Box R-772.
YOUNG WOMAN to help in pressing Apply in person Guida Cleaners, 2940 Eay Road. Want Female Miscellaneous 32a SALESLADIES to sell shoes, experience not necessary but preferred. Pleasant working conditions. No telephone calls accepted. Apply Shoe Store, 321 E.
Genesee Ave. SALESLADIES wanted. Have opening in toy And hardware departments for young lady looking for steady employment. Must he over. Apply person, McClellan Stores 307 Genesee Avenue.
EXPERIENCED SALESWOMEN For children's wear, women's wear. Age 22 to 35. High school education necessary. If qualified apply personnel manager, 2 to 4 p. m.
daily. J. C. PENNEY CO. EXPERIENCED saleslady.
Work in department store. Apply in person, No phone calls. References. Brandle Department Store, 2715 S. Wash.
Help Wanted--Male 33 ASSISTANT manager. Large finance company needs man 25 to 35 years of age, who is looking for a position with a future. Salary and auto expense. Regular salary increases and splendid chance for ment. Paid vacation and free insurance.
Apply in person. See Mr. Huizenga at Personal Finance Company, 203 Kresge Building, E. Genesee Ave. CREDIT MAN An excellent opportunity for a man credit manager.
in one of Saginaw's largest furniture stores. The position offered is permanent, salary attractive and working conditions pleasant. Previous experience in credit-collection work is necessary. This is an opportunity for the right man and also offers A chance for further advancement. All applications will be considered confidential.
Please state your age, experience and salary desired. Our employees have been informed of this ad. Write Saginaw News Box N-750. JANITOR for hospital wanted at once. Single man to live in.
Must be reliable. Call 2-7101, 8 to 4:30 for interview weekdays only. LOCKSMITH Manage Key Department, permanent, inside work. Good salary, plus bonus. Give experience and phone number.
Write Box 8-773. MAN for slaughter house. Must be experienced in beef and general slaughterhouse work. Write Alpena Packing Alpena. Mich.
MAN WANTED Your man, 25 to 30 years old for general office and cashier work. Good recommendation required. Good working conditions. Good salary. Apply in person to A.
W. Gilmore, auditor, Hotel Bancroft. MAN wanted for outside work preferably with well drilling or electric water system installing experience. Chas. G.
Shetler, 2442 Benjamin. 3-3455. MEN with high school college education' to enter training in variety store merchandising field. Unlimited possibilities in next five years. Age twentyone to twenty-six years.
Apply to S. S. Kresge 310 E. Genesee Ave. MOTOR REBUILDER wanted.
Also one middle-aged man for tearing down and degreasing car and truck motors. State experience. Write News Box D-760. PHARMACISTS Wanted by expanding drug company for openings in several choice locations in Michigan. Top salary plus excellent commission set-up.
Grand opportunity for advancement. Contact Mr. Yudin at the Wenonah Hotel in Bay City, Wednesday, March 12, from 2 to p. m. TINSMITH-Good wages, good hours.
Howard Industries, 1923 So. Jefferson. SERVICE EMPLOYEES We have an opening on the night shift for two service employees. Apply Saginaw City Lines, 505 No. Water St.
SHEETMETAL workers. 25 wanted. For further information dial 2-0512 wanted at A once. First class, only. Top TOOL AND DIE MAKERS wages.
Telephone 2-8335. If no answer call 2-8061 or 3-8053. TRUCK MECHANICS Experienced men wanted. Steady employment. Good wages.
liberal insurance plan. paid vacations. safe pleasant working conditions. Apply in person Mr. Brandimore.
International Harvester 315 WV. Genesee Ave. YOUNG MAN wanted for general photo engraving work. Preferably under 20. Pleasant working conditions.
Apply in person Seemann Peters, 405 Holden St. YOUNG MAN with pleasing ality for credit desk in a branch office. Must have knowledge of typing. This 1s a permanent position with good future for right person. Phone 2-7188.
REGISTERED rock wool installer wanted, also two helpers. For blown type insulation. Apply in person Monday and Wednesday, SearsRoebuck Ruilding Supplies Department. See Mr. Draves.
Want--Male Miscellaneous 338 COLLEGE MEN Are you seeking a position with future and security? Learn retail merchandising to become a store manager. Promotional opportunities depending only on yourself. Location available- Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio, Indiana. Excellent starting salary plus commission. Experience unessential.
Ages 20-26. Minimum high school education required. preferably some college work, Contact Mr. Yudin at Wenonah Hotel in Bay City. Wednesday, March 12, from 3 10 7 D.
m. RETAIL FURNITURE SALESMAN One who is high school graduate, willing to train. Write stating age, experience and qualifications to News Box C-740. Heip Wanted Female 34 ACCORDION player wanted. For furinformation dial 2-0622, between 7-9.
TAILOR wanted. Also clothing salesman. Doubleworth Clothing, 205 E. Genesee. Salespeople Wanted: Female Male 35 DISTRIBUTORS wanted, in northern and central Michigan to sell specialized line of building supplies and prefabricated garages.
G. Rohn Bullders, 1020 Clinton. LADIES- -Earn extra money in your time selling Maisonette dresses, suits, blouses and sweaters. Over 80 styles Write to News show. Box P-581.
commissions. PRINTING salesman. 21-25 years of age. Neat appearance. fine personality, Write News Box C-759, ROOFING.
siding and insulation salesmen wanted. Must be experienced and have car. Mid-State Rooting Insulating 223 Hoyt. Dial 7050. SALESMAN interested in making rood money, car essential, Phone 2-2278.
Valley Metal Weatherstrip 1902 No. Fayette. Salespeople Wanted: Female--Male 35 SALESMAN WANTED To sell Booth Frozen Foods, rigid dough, and frozen specialties. Experience not necessary. Must have car.
Apply in person. Grant Grocer 1900 No. Michigan Ave. SALESMEN WANTED Roofing. siding and insulation men wanted.
Gond pay, steady work. nAry, Apply 9:30 a. m. to 4 p. m.
Must have car. A Experience not Neat Roofing 1309 Lapeer. SALESMEN WANTED An Insurance organization operating In the State of Michigan for the past 28 years has an opening for a representative in all countlea. Opportunity for excellent yearly earnings. Write to L.
Denbo, 434 Dime Building. Detroit 26. Michigan. giving name. address.
phone number and you will be contacted by our state supervisor. SALESMAN wanted with well established local firm selling automotive parta, ACCeSsories and equipment. Write stating qualifications including experience. AAP And education to News Box 0-751. SALESMAN Wanted for.
large national food corporation. State age and experience. Write News Box If-761. SALESMAN to sell combination insulated windows, prefabricated garages and other home improvements. An opportunity for men who will work to enter the higher income bracket.
Apply 1912 No. Michigan. SALES MANAGER for distributing company. Good opportunity for man with ability and farm equipment experience to market in Michigan 8 non-competitive Weed Controlor needed by every row crop farmer. Interested applicants please give full details and phone number in first letter to Wright Farm Service, Caro, Michigan.
Tractor tire salesman to represent Montgomery Wards in Midland. hella. Clare. Bay. Gladwin.
Arenac. Saginaw. Tuscola, Genesee, Lapeer and Huron counties. This excellent territory offers unlimited earnings. Prefer residents of Mt.
Pleasant, Midland. Clare, Chesaning, Frankenmuth. Bay City, Caro, Sebewaing, Merrill. Gladwin, Standish. Mayville.
Clio. Farm sales experience preferred but not necessary. If you enjoy working with farmers and truck operators, apply to Mr. Donnelly. Montgomery Ward Genesee and Baum Streets, Saginaw.
YOUNG man for real estate and insurance saleswork. Write News Box B-739, giving age and schooling. ONE MAN wanted to take over established Watkins route. Excellent earnings. No experience necessary.
Apply 1123 So. Washington. THAT new spring outfit can be yours by representing Avon Prducts. Call 2-2404 for appointment. Employment Agencies 85a FEW of the positions we have listed to fill: Male credit clerk for wholesale electrical firm.
Male or female stenographer for tool supply company. Also for foundry. Salary is good, Personal Service, 220 Goff Ridg. Situations Wanted-Female 36 WOMAN desires day work from 10:30 Will also take care of children afternoons, evenings. Inquire 1015 A Almira St.
WOMAN desires work by the day or the hour. Telephone 3-1040. EXPERIENCED middleaged lady desires work in high class home. References. Write News Box R-753.
Situations Wanteu-Male 30? YOUNG MAN. ac accounting training. mechanical background, and ability to meet the customer desires position with local firm. Write News Box 0-770. VETERAN desires to learn metal bumping and welding virinity of Saginaw.
Address Tony Jenschatz. Route 1. Birch Run. Business Opportunities 38 BEAUTY SHOP, located in Hemlock, for sale. Only shop in town.
Doing good business. Forced to sell because of small children. Phone Hemlock 7 for further details. HOWLING ALLEYS-9 coin operated. Legal everywhere.
Suitable for business or recreation rooms. 413 Court, daytimes only. BUSINESS partner to help, finance wholesale retail household goods business. Write News Box A-738. GASOLINE STATION, super service.
complete stock and equipment. stalls, wash -rack and grease-rack. Downtown location. Doing wounderful business. Other Interests reason for selling.
A wonderful opportunity for someone. Write News, Rox B-768. GROCERY STORE -Fixtures, equipment and $1200 stock all $3500 cash. Appointments only. Nagle Real Estate.
2-4163. GROCERY--State street. Real Jocation. Stock, equipment. Living quarters.
Extra 7-room house. 2 vacant lots. Leaving town. Sacrifice. 000.
Terms, People's Realty, 2-6247. HAMBURG and light lunch. Well equipped. West Side location. Parking space for curb service.
Total purchase price $4,500. Nagle Real Estate, appointments only. 2-4163. HAMBURG and light lunch. Good East Side location next to theater.
$4,000 will purchase, Appointments only. Nagle Real Estate. 2-4163. JOHN DEERE Farm implement business for sale. New Lothrop, Michigan.
MACHINE welding and woodwork shop. All equipped. Wonderful opportunity for individual or 2 man partnership. Bargain for quick sale, C. A.
Baskins, Real Estate, 8363. MANUFACTURER of wooden toys and novelties. Owner forced to sell this profitable business because of poor health. Offered by If. B.
Forsythe. Realtor. Dial 7808. MANUFACTURING PLANT May be used for warehouse, club house, or restaurant. PHONE, 3-8471 MR.
or 3-4751 YEOMANS Moving Business Oldest established moving business for sale. This is a rare opportunity and will not last long. Other business reason for selling. Write immediately to News Box S-754 PHONOGRAPH route, thriving territory. 125 pieces.
good equipment. Money maker. Appointment with owner. write News Box G-711. TAVERN 6-room home, basement, furnace, water system, electric.
On state highway near Saginaw. Lot 100x280 ft. Owner wishes to retire. $15,000, down. Joseph Tolasch, Broker, 2030 Maine.
2-6952. restaurant and soda fountain business. Equipment and stock. Good location. Health reason for selling.
Will give lease on restaurant. W. L. Spangler. Realtor, 1009 No.
Bond for further information. MP. G. I. groceryman.
Grocery and meat business in small town near Saginaw. Buy stock inventory and get real estate including living quarters and equipment on G.I, business loan. Look this one over. Ward Real Estate, 3-9291. ASSURE yourself of permanent financial security.
on your money plus share in advancement of very successful diversified industrial enterprise. Write News Box M-730. BENZ Business Building. 44x99 near main corners in city of Mt. Pleasant.
Excellent business location with. 2 apartments and storage room on rod floor. Very reasonably priced. Bulk -Retail Gas Station. modernistic and fully equipped; truck.
large underground storage. large lot on main street of active farm and Tourlat trading center. Price low. Auto- Farm Tools -Appliance 50x100 foot building on large lot. near large industry la good farming community.
Liquor -Beer-Wice. with hotel, golf course. restaurant or dancing. We have them as you want them, A price you want to pay. See us personally for full: information.
BENZ THE BRIGGS ESTATE 308 N. Lina Bay City. Business Opportunities 38 FOR old established tattrant in heart of Saginaw humdistrict. doing cond business. Includes butiding, fixtures, And buriDARN, PORsPasion July 1, 1947.
Wilson Realty 519 Bearinger Telephone 3-4231. Want Established Business 388 GROCERY and meat market wanted with equipment. sO or rent. Write News Box W-746. Investments, Stocks, Bonds 39 WANTED P'erson or persons interested in investing money in land contracts at T'hone 2-9513.
Money To Loan 40 NEED A LOAN? APPLY BY PHONE! At many places these days you have to waste valuable time before you CAN ret waited on, WE KNOW yoU DON'T LIKE THAT. FOR THAT REASON we've developed our TELEPHONE LOAN SERVICE which saves you time. Most of the details are handled by phone. HERE'S HOW THE. SERVICE' WORKS: 1.
Phone our office. The number is 2--7115. 2. Tell 118 how much you need. make loans from $20 to $300 on car, note.
or furniture. 3. Give us a little information about yourself. Later call at the office personally and bring some identification with you. you have receipts for paid up purchases or on accounts that you are now paying on, it is helpful to bring them along.
5. Sign the necessary papers and get the cash you need. No payments. due for at least 30 days. HOUSEHOLD FINANCE Corporation C.
WE CAN'T YOUR INCOME TAXES -but- WE WILL LOAN YOU MONEY TO PAY THEM. Yes. your friendly Family Loan Co. is ready to back you up For we know that the Winter expense has been heavy. So just borrow any sum you need up to $250 or more from US.
It is confidential of course. repay in convenient monthly payments, PRIVATE CAR SALES FINANCED! Free. Easy Parking. Ground Floor Location. Quick, Courteous Service.
FAMILY LOAN CO. 117 Genesee Ave. Phone 2-4161 Howard R. Peters, Manager. Earl F.
Ganschow, President. IF YOU NEED MONEY for any good reason SEE R. L. HOAG MICHIGAN FINANCE CO. 318-321 GRAEBNER BLDG.
121 No. Michigan Phone 2-7151 PAY CASH! See Us for a Loan. FAST, PRIVATE SERVICE! "For That Friendly Loan" MICIIIGAN FIDELITY LOAN 207 Goff Bldg. Over Cunningham's PHONE 2-8193 Subsidiary of Fidelity Corporation OTTO D. COOKE, General Manager.
NEED MONEY 'FOR INCOME TAXES? See US and get it off your mind. CASH FOR ANY WORTHY PURPOSE. Private car sales financed. Citizens Loan Co. 129 So.
Washington Dial 2-3139 Arthur Mertz, Manager. "25 years same location." LOANS made on diamonds, watches, tools. musical instruments, clothing. miscellaneous articles. Ben's Loan office, 131 S.
Washington. LOANS on diamonds, watches, outboard motors and guns. Insured vault protection. 50 years of rellable service. Tierney Finance 210 So.
Washington. NEED CASH? Borrow from Tower Finance Corp. Jim Ruzicka, manager, 511 E. Genesee. Dial 2-4273.
Real Estate Loans. Mortgages 40h INVESTIGATE OUR MODERN STREAMLINED Mortgage Loan plan if you intend to purchase, repair or build a house. Or you may desire to refinance an old-fashioned contract! Monthly rent-like payments! Reasonable rate of interest! Principal reduces each month! Also BANK MORTGAGE LOANS and F.H.A. MORTGAGE LOANS! MORTGAGE DEPARTMENT Michigan National Bank Jefferson at Lapeer YOU CAN PREPARE NOW FOR SPRING HOUSECLEANING INSIDE and OUT Your house will need repairs this spring, you can't deny that. number of things pop up ly that must be repaired promptly.
For instance, your house may need repainting or redecorating inside and out, your furnace may have proven to be defective or your plumbing may have to be replaced. Check these and other items promptly then drop see as. It is possible THE PEOPLE'S BUILDING LOAN way to finance such repairs on basis that can fit to with your budget. A run-down house cannot reflect the pride of ownership. Let us nelp you make your HOUSE home.
PEOPLE'S Building Loan 124 SO. JEFFERSON DIAL 2-2156 IT WOULD be wise to convert your land contract to first mortgage loan. Can us. Sarina Building Loan Association. 407 Court.
3-8461. WHAT'S your need? It's here! To Loan 40 Get INCOME TAX Cash FROM THE YES MAN Don't horrow unnecessarily, but 1f CARh la to $250 or more -Personal's YES MAN would like to Proof; 4 out of 5 who get A lORn. PERSONAL FINANCE CO. Genesce at Franklin Dial 8142 Wanted--To Borrow 41 HERE a chance to invest your excess capital in safe, established business. WA are overloaded with contracts.
need money for expansion and additional equipment. Write News Box Correspondence Courses 42 LEARN AT HOME Over 400 COUrSeS to choose from: Accounting. Bookkeeping. Diesel Electrical. Mechanical and Radio Engineering.
VETERANS You may enroll under the G. J. BilL. J. BLUM A I.
WELLS Dial 2-7676 or 503 E. Genesce Avenue, Trade Schools 42a DIESEL power offers genuine opportunities to wide-awake men, mechanically inclined. Prepare now in spare time by practical UEI training. Write for free facts, Utilities Diesel Training, News Box K-766. GOOD PAY jobs offered trained auto body-fender men in daily "want ads''.
Put in a few hours weekly learning welding. painting, metal work, etc. Chance for high wares or your own business. G.I. approved.
Write Auto-Crafts Training, News Box L-767. Musical, Dancing, Dramatic 41 WE TEACH popular piano. piano accordion, violin. Hawaiian, Spanish guitar, trap-drums, 11 to 9:30. Closed Fri.
Waikiki Conservatory of Music, E. Genesee. 2-4563. Dogs. Rabbits.
Pets. Supplies COCKER Spaniel, good hunter. house broke. unsexed Gordon Setter. Terry Kennels 7-3934.
COCKER SPANIEL puppy, particolor. A.K.C. registered. Show type. Champion bred.
Phone 2-7836. COCKER Spaniels. 24 months, thoroughbreds. black. Also mother pups and 6 month cocker.
A. K. C. registered. Reasonable.
3301 East St. IRISH SETTER for sale. 11 months old male. Thorouchbred, partly broken. Telephone 5161.
SPRINGER SPANIEL, female. 30 months. white. Registered, 3005 Barnard, north of State. SOMETHING NEW ADDED Fresh horse meat for dogs and cats.
WOLOHAN'S 321 So. Franklin, Dial 2-2257. Farm Supply Store 1. BOARDING of dogs by week, month. Ralph Terry, 5197 Sheridan.
7-3934. BEAUTIFULLY marked sables. tered; best blood lines. Inquire Fred Tews, Center Road, Bay City. WANTED -Male Toy Fox Terrier for service.
Telephone 2-8255. Farm Equipment, Feed, Horses, Cattle, Other Stock 48 BALED HAY and seed oats. Mike Shabluk, one mile north County Poor Farm. 7-2924. BALED HAY--Choice alfalfa and brome mixed.
Will deliver. Warner LAW. Phone Freeland 3096. CONCRETE MIXERS, farm wagons. gas engines, hammermills.
priming and deep well pumps. Krueger Machinery, 400 Holden, CORN HUSKERS, hammermills, cream separators, milk coolera, power loaders. International Harvester Sales Service. Avery's Farm Equipment, 525 W. Genesee.
DAIRY PAILS. 69c Rapid-Flo pads and filter discs 50c up. Large gallon funnels $110 up. Chick fountains, 3 gallon $2.25. 5 gallon $3.15.
Schultz Fuller Hardware, 626 Gratiot. 2-2912. DOUBLE DISKS 6 and 7 Rebuilt 8 ft. H. J.
SCHLUCKEBIER FRANKENMUTH, MICH. ELECTRIC cream separator And 100-egg incubator for sale. Inquire 3803 East Street. FENCE SALE 1017-6-11-per rod 939-6-11-per rod 832-6-11-per rod 600 rod ft. Steel Posts 51c FARM BUREAU SERVICES 800 So.
Washington Ave. FERTILIZER DRILL, VanBrunt 11- disk; also team of horses. Walter Schnell. Phone 7-1230. HAMMERMILLS-30 and 40 gal.
oil water heaters. Garden tractors. Farm WAgONS. Stock food cookers. Dairy water.
heaters. Pump Jacks, sump pumps. Water systems, Sargrant hydraulic loaders. Stalls and atanchions. Szott Ballard, 211 So.
Park. Dial 3-6637. HAMMERMILLS Ward's all steel Hammermills have big mill features, strength and CApacity, yet are low priced. Grinds up to 9,000 lbs. car corn per hour with one or 2-plow tractor, swinging hammers, heavy duty selfadjusting bearings.
$121.85 WARD'S FARM STORE 217 Tuscola St. 3-8441 HAY and alfalfa, broom and timothy 75c bale. Straw 50c. While they last. mile south of Bridgeport on Dixie.
F. Hodgman. HOLSTEIN DISPERSAL And Farm Machinery Auction FRIDAY. MARCH 14th1 P. M.
SHARP. At farm, miles South of Davison at 3359 Atlas Road, between Bristol and Atherton Roads. Complete Dispersal of high class Registered and grade Holstein Herd. Cows, Heifers and Bulls. Herd Sire, son of Carnation King.
Most of the cows elthetr fresh or due soon after sale. Complete line Farm Machinery and Dairy Equipment. Purebred 5 gaited Mare and Colt. 80 White Leghorn hens, "AAA" lay. Ing.
Sow and Pigs. D. ARCHART, Owner. 3389 Atlas Road, Davison, Michigan. C.
B. SMITH, Sales Manager and Auctioneer, Willlamston, Mich. AUCTIONEERS: C. SMITH C. R.
SMITH. Jr. LELAND J. OSBORN McCORMICK Deering tractor and cultivator, 2-bottom plow, disc. Telephone Freeland 3501.
MILK COOLERS- Freezing cabinets. ing 2121 Michigan. 2-0531. Dairy equipment. Little Manufactur- FARMERS' ROUND-UP DAY SATURDAY, MARCH.
15 Valuable awards, refreshments and helpful advice. Cost you nothing! Come and bring your friends enjoy a full day of fun at Ward's. WARD'S FARM STORE 217 Tuscola. Dial 3-8441 GOOD, young Lested cows. Fresh family cow.
$100. On time if desired. No money down. Dial 4240 Bay City. Farm Equipment, Feed, Horses, Cattle, Other Stock 48 SEAMAN triple tiller.
A ft. 1sed. Like new, Gendreske, Route 1, Harrison. Phone 3244, WELDING of die cast metal, aluminum and all type metals, Reliable Welding. 2020 No.
Michigan. 7044. GOOD work horse for sale, weight 1400 Inquire 2124 River 8t. NEW. All American.
meat and bone cutter for sale. Telephone 3-2358. 12 GOOD milk cows, three and four years old. due freshen very soon. RAVeN miles west and one north Tawas City on M-55.
Price $150. Call before noon Any day. La 6. Little, McIvor. Mich.
Want Equipment, Stock 48a WANTED TO BUY Horses and cattle of all kinds. Telephone 7-3445. Poultry, Eggs and Supplics 49 AMSTUTZ Pedigreed Sired Chicks Lay you more per bird in the laying house, than just ordinary reproduction chicks, with the same feed cost. leaving more profit for you. WHY do AMSTUTZ CHICKS live better? Because we actually blood -test our breeders, there urally is a difference healthy chicks.
Hatching twice a week. White Rock, Wyandottes, Leghorns. Barred Rock, 0. P. Reds and several cross breeds.
Heavy breed broiler chicks $10 per 100. Order in advance. Amstutz Hatcheries BABY CHICKS--For your next year's profits buy Zahnow's Do- All chicks. They live to lay and grow to pay, Zahnow Hatchery, 2202 Cherry. 2-6995.
BABY CHICKS NOW HATCHING Chicks with future from R. O. P. candidates. blood tested.
Guaranteed for the First Fourteen days. Insist on guaranteed chicks for 1947. ORDER NOW! NOT ONLY DO YOU SAVE MONEY BUT YOU ALSO GET FREE FEED Large type White Leghorns, White, Barred and Buff Rocks, Reds, White Wyandottes, Buff Orpingtons, New Hampshires. Get the best, for less. Chicks as low as $14 per 100 WHAT A COMBINATION; Good chicks guaranteed for 14 days plus (VITALITY QUALITY FEED) in pretty print bags, new low prices.
WE DELIVER IZZO'S SAGINAW HATCHERY 212 So. Franklin Dial 2-4000 For Your Convenience Open Eves. Until. 9 P. M.
P. strains. Order now! Burden's Hatchery, 7-4937. REAL QUALITY baby chicks from good selected flocks. Personally close cull: and blood tested.
Frederick's Poultry Farm, 8 ralles east Op Holland Road. 7-3523. SPECIAL Barred Rock cockerels, $9 per hundred. Wahls Poultry Farm, 3 miles north of Charles, on M-47. Phone St.
Charles 3495. ORDER YOUR chicks now from our high production and large size strain of White Leghorn White and Barred Rock flocks to make the real profits in chickens. Birch Run Hatchery. Fhone Birch Run 2522. Farm and Dairy Products 50 APPLES Finest fruits, vegetables.
Also groceries. Newvine Fruit Market, Fourteenth and Wadsworth. Open daily and Sunday until 9:30 p. m. We deliver.
Phone 2-0678. BANANAS, apples, fresh fruit and vegetables. Genesee Farm Market, F. Genesec at lolland. NORTHFRN SPY apples.
$1.99 bu. Northern potatoes. $1.49 bushel. Groceries And meat. Potter Street Market, 629 Potter.
Dial 2-9817. ONIONS- --100 bushels yellow Spanish onions. For information telephone 7-1084. POTATOES- Cobbler. Retail, wholesale, $1.50 bushel.
Rogers son Potato House, Lapeer at TwentyFifth. 863. for eating and seed. Deliver. Also mixed hay.
Lawrenre Levenberner. Dial 7-2037. PLENTY OF BEEF, veal and pork at prices you can afford to pay. Day's Store. Shields, or Day's Market, Court.
SAND GROWN Chippewa potatoes $1.50 bushel. Apples $2.50 bushel. Will Phone 7-1133. Want Farm Products 50a POULTRY. WANTED- -Highest prices paid.
Weir Poultry Co. 1911 No. Michigan. Phone 3-2901. POULTRY bought and sold.
Bridgeport Poultry Market, Arthur Francis, proprietor. Dial 3-2289, Auction Calendar AUCTION SATURDAY, MARCH 15 Saginaw Township Mrs. Elizabeth Kuhl, proprietor. Wm. D.
Schmidt, auctioneer. AUCTION SALE. MAR. 13 Lakefield Township. Casper York, Proprietor.
George Weaver, Auctioneer. Auction Sales AUCTION SALE undersigned MARCH 13, having 12:30 decided P. M. to quit farming. will sell at public tion nn the premises located miles Hemlock, south or and 2 miles miles south west and .3 rant of Merrill.
-MACHINERYFarmall P-12 tractor, on rubber. Tractor cultivator. Power take-off mower, John Deere 16 in, one-bottom plow. Two-bottom 12 Inch plow. Three -section springtooth drag.
Twosection Aprinatooth drag. Two section spiketooth drag. 7 ft. double disc. Roller.
Walking plow. 18 inch. Dump rake. McCormick- Deering Ride rake. McCormick- Deering corn binder.
McCormick grain binder. McCormickDeering manure spreader. McCormickDeering hay loader. Avery corn planter with fertilizer attachment, 2 bran pullers. 2 wagons with rack.
Wagon without rack. -CATTLE3 Holstein cows. years old. Black All Bangs Teated COW, 9 years old. Guernsey cow.
years old. Red cow, 4 years old. Guernsey heifer, years old. 2 Guernsey heifers, old. HORSES Bay, 7 years old.
Roan, 6 years old. Pay mare, 6 years old. HOGS 6 small feeders. 2 sows. 8 feeders, 73 Ibs.
each. SHEEP Ruck. 12 cheep. Some lambs. MISCELLANEOUS Rob sleigh Hay rope.
New Wards buzz saw. Wards hammermill. Meyers new hay carrier. 2 new hay forks and pulleys. o11 heater water tank, Large water tank.
McCormickOther Deering amall electric cream separator. articles too numerous to All sums of $10.00 and under, cash: over that amount time will be riven on terest, good It time bankable paper bearing inis desired make with the clerk of the sale. CASPER YORK. Proprietor. GEORGE WEAVER.
Auctioneer, R. B. BEAVER, 01 1 Ar 1.