1. Discord - Group Chat That's All Fun & Games
Bevat niet: Små | Resultaten tonen met:Små
Discord is great for playing games and chilling with friends, or even building a worldwide community. Customize your own space to talk, play, and hang out.
2. Discord Servers - Home
Bevat niet: Små | Resultaten tonen met:Små
40561 search results found in Home. Discover Discord servers and communities. Join servers that share your interests - from gaming, to music, to learning, there's a place for you.
3. Discord Me: Public Discord Servers and Bots
Public Anime Discord Servers · Public Gaming Discord Servers · Gaming 19095
Find the perfect Discord community for you! Browse thousands of servers to join and chat with like-minded individuals. From gaming to music, and everything in between, discover your interests and make new friends. List your own server and connect with even more people.
4. Wat is Discord? – Wat ouders moeten weten | Internet doet ertoe
21 jul 2022 · De persoon die de server heeft opgezet, stelt meestal enkele basisregels op over voor wie deze is en het verwachte gedrag. Ze kunnen ook strikte ...
Om de angsten van ouders over de veiligheid van Discord weg te nemen, werpt Internet Matters licht op het sociale gamingplatform en hoe het veilig kan worden gebruikt.
5. Discord Web
How to create a Discord Server? · How to Join a Discord Server? · Discord Status
Discord Login: Open Discord online in your browser from computer or smartphone without downloading.
6. Safety Library - Discord
... account's security with SMS Authentication by adding your phone number to your Discord account. ... https://988lifeline.org/chat. Crisis Text Line (U.S.):.
All the tools, resources, and guidance for staying safe on Discord.
7. Unofficial iNat Discord Server - General - iNaturalist Forum
14 mrt 2019 · There is an unofficial Discord server, run by some pretty neat folks. Here's the link to join: https://discord.gg/uskv2yx Come on over and ...
There is an unofficial Discord server, run by some pretty neat folks. Here’s the link to join: https://discord.gg/uskv2yx Come on over and join the fun.
8. How to join the MDA Let's Play Discord Server
Muscular Dystrophy Association, Inc. 1016 W Jackson Blvd #1073. Chicago, Illinois 60607. 800-572-1717 | ResourceCenter@mdausa.org. The Muscular Dystrophy ...
See AlsoIs 化外之醫 The Last MovieMDA is the #1 health nonprofit advancing research, care and advocacy for people living with muscular dystrophy, ALS, and related neuromuscular diseases.
9. Discord Server erstellen: In wenigen Schritten erklärt - IONOS AT
7 feb 2023 · Gehen Sie wie folgt vor, um einen kostenlosen Discord-Server aufzusetzen: Schritt 1: Starten Sie die Discord-App für Desktop oder Smartphone/ ...
Sie möchten einen Discord-Server erstellen, um mehre Kanäle gleichzeitig zu verwenden? Dann hilft unsere Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung beim Einrichten Ihres Discord-Servers.
10. What is Discord? – What parents need to know - Internet Matters
21 jul 2022 · A computer, tablet or smartphone with ... Stage Channel – Discord released Stage Channels, which are available to community servers.
To help ease parents' fears about Discord safety, Internet Matters sheds light on the social gaming platform and how it can be used safely.
11. Terms of Service | Discord
15 mrt 2024 · All users must follow our Community Guidelines and other policies, but in Servers, the server owners and server admins control the server ...
Read about Discord's Terms of Service
12. Discord – was ist das? - Saferinternet.at
Discord ist eine kostenlose Plattform zum Kommunizieren und Austauschen. · Discord kann als Desktop-Version im Browser und als App am Smartphone genutzt werden.
Saferinternet.at unterstützt Kinder, Jugendliche, Eltern und Lehrende beim sicheren, kompetenten und verantwortungsvollen Umgang mit digitalen Medien.
13. Discord Emoji List [Updated 2024] - Emojipedia
Discord supports the use of emoji via shortcodes, with the majority of emojis displayed as images from the Twemoji design set.
Emoji designs used on Discord that are distinct from the historic Twemoji emoji designs.
14. 18 Awesome Discord Easter Eggs: Full List of Hidden Tricks - wikiHow
27 aug 2024 · Did you know that Discord's developers embedded hidden tricks in the app? In addition to joining servers and voice-chatting, ...
A list of the best and coolest Discord Easter Eggs out there Did you know that Discord's developers embedded hidden tricks in the app? In addition to joining servers and voice-chatting, you can also discover fun hidden tricks called easter...